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Do you have a pitcher with a built-in water filter in the fridge? Or perhaps your fridge dispenses filtered water? These systems are great for your health, and if they keep

you from drinking bottled water, they’re also good for the environment. And yet, they don’t offer nearly as many benefits as a whole house filter.

A whole house filtration system will deliver clean water throughout your home. You can enjoy pure, filtered water straight from the tap. Any water running through your fridge or a filtered water pitcher will be cleaner from the get-go. This way you can enjoy healthier filtered water.

Let’s take a look at some of the many benefits of a whole house water filtration system.

Enjoy All The Health Benefits All The Time

Many people are already aware of the dangers that contaminated water poses to human health. Lead in your water, for example, could stunt your child’s growth. Hexavalent chromium and “forever plastics” could increase risks of cancer.

Even if you use bottled water and pitchers with built in filters, you’ll still probably end up consuming tap water. Maybe you’re cooking noodles and use the tap for water. Or maybe you’re in a rush and grab a cup of tap water because it’s the quickest and easiest way to fill your glass.

Each time you do so, you could be exposing yourself and your family to contaminated water. A whole house filtration system ensures clean water no matter your in-home source.

Protect Your Appliances

While people are often well-informed when it comes to the health risks of contaminated water, they often underestimate how much damage such water can do to their washing machine, dishwasher, coffee machine, and other appliances.

Many appliances rely on your tap water to function. If hard water or water contaminated with heavy metals is being pumped into your washing machine, it could result in damage. The calcium and magnesium found in hard water, for example, can clog up your washing machine, coffee machine, and dishwasher, shortening their life span.

Further, your clothes and dishes may come out of the wash dirty. Hard water reduces the effectiveness of soap by preventing it from sudsing. The minerals and heavy metals in the water could also stick to your clothes and dishes. If you wash your clothes in water with high iron content, for example, they could come out with rust stains!

With a whole water filtration system, the water throughout your home will be purified. This means heavy metals, calcium, magnesium and other contaminants will never reach your washing machine, dishwasher, and other appliances.

Enjoy Cleaner, Healthier Showers Too

While many people are aware of the health effects of consuming contaminated water, they underestimate how much damage a shower or bath with contaminated water can be. That twenty-minute-long shower or hour-long soak in the tub could leave you exposed to high amounts of contaminants.

If contaminants linked to cancer are in your water, you could be increasing your cancer risks. Calcium, magnesium, and other contaminants could also be leaving your skin dried out and hair brittle. By bring your water to our full-service laboratory, you can know exactly what is lurking in your water.

So how can you enjoy a clean shower? The answer again is a whole water filtration system. This system will deliver clean water right to your shower head and bathtub tab. This will also protect your plumbing and prevent scale from building up in your tub and shower.

At the end of the day, a whole house water filtration system is the best solution for your family and home. You can enjoy clean, pure water on demand from any tap.

Contact Atlantic Blue Water Center

A whole house water filtration system is a sure way to ensure you and your family have access to clean water throughout your home. To learn more about our whole house water filters, contact Atlantic Blue Water Center by calling (410) 751-9200.